Our workshops and courses address the environmental and relational factors that lead to challenging behaviours from children and create transformations in families.
We draw on our experience working with, and for, children who have experienced trauma, learning difficulties, living and learning with disability, mental health challenges, poverty and discrimination to provide professional development for teachers, educators, and practitioners working with children.
Every child (and adult) can benefit from more connected, collaborative and respectful relationships. Our professional development aims for a greater understanding of our own personal influence and wider systemic changes. We will work with you and your team to create:
- Respectful, collaborative and connected relationships between students and teachers/ practitioner and families
- Improved social-emotional wellbeing
- Reduced challenging behaviours and meltdowns
- Evidence based strategies
- Effective framework to strengthen interpersonal skills
- Inclusive spaces for all children regardless of identity, age, or abilities
- The most effective adaptations to the learning environment
- Processes to include children in solving personal and environmental challenges
- How to consult with children effectively
- How to facilitate sessions and groups with families
- Creating inclusive group learning spaces for families
We adapt our sessions and courses specifically for your environment, and the diversity of children in your context. Our workshops and courses often include:
- Child Development
- Emotion coaching children
- Strategies for emotional regulation for adults and children
- Responding to neurodiversity, anxiety and trauma
- Sensory processing
- Child participation and including children in decision-making
- Collaborative problem solving with children
- Parent, carer and community education workshops
- Small group reflective supervision and coaching with applied example
- Anti-bias and creating an inclusive environment for all children
- Child protection and safety safe children and communities
If your organisation works with marginalised folks and are seeking pro bono professional development, please contact us on [email protected]
Meg McIntosh and Tara Broughan offer services that can support Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Outside School Hours Care (OHSC) services to build their capacity and ability to provide an inclusive program for neurodiverse children with additional needs.
We collaboratively work with services to identify their concerns and challenges and provide the education, mentoring, reflective practice supervision and support to enable them to actively find and implement solutions that improve equity and access for children at their service.
We can support services in the following key areas:
- Specialist Occupational Therapy consultation and advice.
- Specialised Inclusion Training including areas such as; trauma and sensory processing, Autism, ADHD, and Neurodiversity.
- Child safety and child rights.
- Guide and support projects that enhance an inclusive perspective and understanding of neurodiversity amongst both staff and the child’s peers.
- Specialist strategies, including adjusting programs and the environment to enhance children's social and emotional wellbeing, and provide opportunities for them to develop their ability to co-regulate within the setting. Including responding to and proactively preventing the need for children to communicate via challenging behaviour.
- Specialist advice and mentoring tailored to address the specific barriers to inclusion at that particular service. We endeavour to build educator capacity and understanding to a point that they can be flexible in the way they respond and adapt to diverse needs daily, confident in their reasoning and reflective practice.
Please contact us below to discuss your services' unique needs and we will be able to provide a quote for your funding application.
Please see below to read more about us and some of the other work we do.
Tuning in with Meg & Tara, 2020
Tuning in with Meg & Tara, 2020
Tuning in with Meg & Tara, 2021
We came together as new school mums, over playdates and shared ideas about children and the way they live, play, and communicate.
We share the theory, evidence and personal story of emotion coaching, brain development, neurodiversity, child rights, causal factors, discrimination and more.