Resources for kids: difference & discrimination

The children’s books I love most are the ones that support me to have age-appropriate language for conversations with my children about these topics.

The children’s books I love most are the ones that support me with age-appropriate language for conversations with my children about these topics. Sometimes the kids are not that interested in the book itself, but the language and information provides me with a sense of concepts, examples and questions I can build into our conversations throughout day to day life.

Because, just as there is not one singular sex talk we have with our children; conversations around discrimination, identity and power are not one off either.

Children and young people are often seeking fairness and justice in their own lives, and noticing these themes in the stories, games and movies they consume. We can pick up these moments as opportunities to consider the way identity and experiences affect them and other folks differently. It becomes part of the culture and texture of family life.

Here a couple of my favourite books, resources and favourite places that publish and provide analysis children’s books:

The Gender Wheel A beautiful explanation of gender diversity grounded in indigenous knowledge and nature, providing the language to explain gender to children. It also  explains how this  wise diversity has existed in humans throughout history and is represented in many living beings in in nature. A beautiful book

A Family is a Family is a Family a book on the diverse identities and structure of families for young kids

Noah the Narwhal on living with and supporting folks with chronic illness and disability

What makes a baby this book is for gender and queer inclusive learning on what makes a baby

Lets talk about Body, boundaries, consent and respect the name says it all

Magabala publish books authored by Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and First Nations folks for adults and children

The Growing up in Australia series including Disabled/ Aboriginal/ Queer/Muslim et al.,The%20result%20is%20illuminating.

Sex Ed Rescue book reviews for all ages, topics and stages of sex ed

BISH for Gender diverse and queer friendly sex ed for teenagers

The Healing Foundation for learning about the stolen generations in Australia

The Human Rights Commission resources for learning about human rights and discrimination in Australia

Minus 18 gender diverse, trans and queer inclusion for young folks

Books for Littlies is my favourite place for in-depth analysis of children’s books, although very American focused

How to be a girl a podcast with a mother and her transgender daughter

Short and Curly – questions of ethics for primary schoolish age kids on ABC listen

I’d love you feedback or if you are looking for a specific recommendation email or message us [email protected] and