Resource list for parents and carers

A resource list for books and resources on respectful and connected parenting, disability and neurodiversity.

We often get asked for book recommendations. We read many books and by read I mean I have 42 books on the go that I am reading at any one time. 

Here are a few of our favourites: 


How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk a great practical book on ways of communicating and phrasing with kids that is respectful and invites them to collaborate with you

Siblings without Rivalry another practical book with specific examples on when and how to coach children through conflict.

The Explosive Child for families who need ways of responding and proactively support their kids who have big emotions and big behaviours

Another of Ross Greenes books Raising Human Beings 

In fact of all Ross Greenes resources 

Alfie Kohn  has written many books including Unconditional Parenting and Punished by Rewards his books unashamedly challenges the hierarchy between adults and children both in the family and the education system. When I notice myself using  'power over' too often with kids I listen to Alfie for a reframe

For responding to challenges with food and eating the Ellyn Satter division of responsibility and fostering intuitive eating  https://www.ellynsatterinstitu...

Your Parenting Mojo is an evidence based, conscious parenting with an inclusive and anti-racist lens 


NeuroTribes this book is on the history of autism, how we came to understand it through the medical lens we do now and the future of the neurodiversity movement. 

Growing up disabled in Australia essays written by many different disabled folks on their experiences of being disabled in Australia. Including  pieces on neurodiversity, chronic illness, mental health and physical disability. 

We've got this: stories of disabled parenting a collection of essays from many authors 

The Keepers an incredible piece of writing that holds up the magic, beauty and love of parenting and the terrible state of disability support and care for folks who need care into adulthood. Content warning this does include confronting content of trauma and abuse read up on it before diving in 

Say Hello! A memoir, a book on the ableism and funny, witty story telling 

Care Work: Dreaming of Disability Justice  a book of liberation, celebration of community care among  black disabled folks in community an invitation to a new way 

The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays a book to challenge understanding of significant mental health challenges and chronic health. Wonderful writing

The Neurodivergent Woman podcast informative and affirming from professionals and guests of lived experience